Sunday, July 21, 2013

7 Miles for a Donut

Met with some of the LexRunLadies this morning for the weekly "donut run". Basically, we meet at North Lime Coffee and Donuts, run whatever distance we need, and then get donuts after! Great incentive for running if you ask me!
My intention was to run 7 miles with the Ladies. At the start the temperature/humidity felt great since it had just rained, but about a mile into the run the humidity came back with a vengeance. I hadn't brought any water with me and I knew I'd never make it the whole 7 without getting some. I ended up completing a 6 mile loop, got some iced coffee and donuts, and headed home. Once I made it to the house, I felt good enough to run one more mile. 

I bought 2 iced chocolate and 1 cinnamonkey! Delicious! They're not all for me, I promise!

See! I like to share...sometimes 😉.

Great morning so far. I just love running with the group. The miles go by so much faster and it's much more enjoyable!

Thanks for a great run Ladies!

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